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+977 9851140893, 9843293581
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Cell: +61 402 289 226

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Tea House Trek

Teahouse trekking - What is it like?

Many of our clients often ask us, what is the accommodation like on a trek?
There are essentially two types of treks, camping or teahouse style. In this note, we discuss the teahouse style.

Tea house trekking
A tea house is essentially a mountain lodge with Nepali standards. They are often two-story mud brick or pine boarding constructions with thatched roofing. Although the lodges are simple, with no TVs, very basic showers (often not warm), no other luxuries such as carpet and electric blankets, they are very comfortable after a long days trekking.

The lodges will invariably have a central fireplace for warmth (very welcoming during those cold winter months) and have a common area for eating meals, which you are expected to order from the lodge’s kitchen. You can order all but exactly the same meals from each teahouse along a teahouse trekking route. This is because the menus are carbon copies at each teahouse. These meals include western and local varieties. Be prepared for translation issues arising when ordering, for instance, poached eggs always come fried.

The rooms are simple but are cozy enough when you and your trekking buddy settle in for a nights rest after being out on the trail. You will get your own room (unless you are a solo traveller during peak season you may share a room). The room will have a foam mattress and pillow with cotton linen. You have the option of various blankets for extra warmth or you can use your sleeping bag. Whilst the walls of the teahouse are often made only of pine boarding (zero rating for insulation!) you will be warm enough.